Hash Game Store integrates blockchain to tap into an underdeveloped sector of the gaming market.
Market Size
The reason we've chosen the PC gaming industry first is because:
The PC Gaming space has an abudance and massive variety of indie games. It is where gamers are the most open-minded towards new platforms and also gives us the possiblity to expand into software licenses in the future.
Mobile Gaming is mainly dominated by free-to-play games - this means players end up purchasing in-game items. This "ownership of items" problem is already being solved by multiple blockchain-based iniciatives.
Console Gaming is a closed-off garden: there is currently no way to operate an individual gaming storefront within Playstation's, Xbox's or Nintendo's consoles. Hash Game Store's technology is developed for easy future integration, so these are still possible markets to explore in the future.
The global PC gaming market is a massive industry, being valued at over $44B in 2022.
The few major platforms such as Steam and Epic Games constitute a massive share of the community with over 60 million daily users. Steam alone has 14.8% of the PC gaming worldwide market share, and there are approximately 1.7 billion PC players around the world.
Total investments in Web3 Gaming exceeded over $4.1B in the first half of 2022, a 38% increase over the previous year.
Developer Target Audience
Our strategy is to first attract non-Web 3.0 indie game developers as they produce 95% of Steam's games and generate 28% of its gross revenue. Afterwards, we'll also attract the Web 3.0 indie developers, fostering and creating a community around both of these audiences.
Indie Games: Games developed without big publishers and budgets, usually by small teams.
Web3/Blockchain Games: Games that incorporate blockchain technology into their backends, such as unique items as NFTs or currencies being ERC20 tokens.
We will also use token incentives to encourage platform adoption, use, and retention as well as exclusivity from developers (you can learn more in-depth about this in the Tokenomics section).
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